lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

How to request the new extraordinary benefit for Autónomos affected by COVID-19

How to request the new extraordinary benefit for Autónomos affected by COVID-19
The Government approved last week a package of extraordinary measures for own-account workers, companies and salaried workers affected by the declaration of the state of alarm before the pandemic by COVID-19.
One of the main measures has been aimed at the autónomos and autónomas with the approval of an extraordinary benefit with the aim of alleviating the negative effects on their businesses of the COVID-19 pandemic, whose main keys we discussed in this guide, today we tell you how to request it.

Who can request this benefit?
Any self-employed worker enrolled in the corresponding regime that is affected by the closing of businesses due to the declaration of the state of alarm or whose turnover this month falls by 75% compared to the monthly average of the previous semester.

The worker must be up to date in the payment of contributions to Social Security. However, if this requirement is not met, the self-employed worker will have a period of thirty calendar days to enter.

Where can I request this benefit?
In general, the management of this benefit will correspond to the mutual collaborator with Social Security to which the worker is assigned. In the case of the self-employed registered in the Special Regime for Sea Workers, the management corresponds to the Social Institute of the Navy. Finally, in the (residual) case of the self-employed who have arranged protection for professional contingencies with the INSS, the management corresponds to the SEPE.

How should I submit the application?
Currently, the mutual companies and the ISM (and the SEPE) have enabled forms on their web pages to download the application and attach the pertinent documentation to carry out the management in a completely electronic way.

What documentation should I submit?
In the event of cessation of activity due to force majeure, the self-employed worker must present an affidavit stating the date of the production of force majeure (declaration of the state of alarm, March 14). The standard model of each mutual will be used.
If requested due to loss of income, you must provide accounting information that justifies it: copy of the record book of invoices issued and received; the daily book of income and expenses; from the sales and income record book; or the purchase and expenses book. In the case of the self-employed who are not obliged to carry the aforementioned accounting documents, any means of evidence admitted in law will be accepted.
In addition, any request must be accompanied by an affidavit stating that they meet all the requirements required to qualify for this benefit.

How long do I have to apply?
The request can be presented since March 18, with the entry into force of the measure, although the right will be recognized from March 14, the date of the declaration of the state of alarm.
The deadline to request the benefit is one month (until April 14) from the entry into force, notwithstanding that the measures adopted in the event of an extension of the state of alarm may be modified.

In what period will the request be resolved?
Article 11.5 of Royal Decree 1541/2011 provides that the corresponding mutual will resolve the request within 30 business days from receipt with all the required documentation. But given the seriousness of the situation, mutuals are making a significant effort to drastically shorten this period.

Should I continue to pay the fees (cuotas)?
During the receipt of the benefit, the General Treasury of the Social Security TGSS) will not only not collect contributions, but will also be counted as a period of contributions.
If the extraordinary benefit is recognized by the mutual after the TGSS has paid the fees, the TGSS will automatically return the fees that the self-employed workers have paid when they overlap with the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity, without having that to request it, and once the entrance of the quotas and the concession of the benefit is verified. Although you can also request the return of them through the RED System.

Should I unsubscribe from the RETA?
The autonomo worker who suspends the activity will not be obliged to process the withdrawal during the period of receipt of the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity.

If the cause of the right to the benefit is the reduction in billing, you must remain registered in the corresponding Social Security system.




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