viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

Important Features of Microsoft Office WORD

Important Features of MS-Word.

Microsoft has already launched an office suite which contains all the important applications which have been used in our day to day life. However, there are three main applications which have been used all over the world. This has been used by a student to a professional.


As the name of the application, this application creates files having a collection of words. MS-Word contains plain pages by default. Basic features are mentioned below:
Writing Letters, Resumes, Notes, etc.
Writing Books
Unlimited number of pages
Can be created any number of documents
Formatting of the content, like change font color, font style,
Emphasize the text using Bold, italic and underlined features.
Special Characters symbols which are not present on the keyboard like ©, π, α, ÷, etc.
Can be defined various heading levels to make different sections.
Can be defined content as a list
Find and Replace feature.
Can be inserted Images, audio, video, and other documents as well.
Tables and Charts can be used.
Can create hyperlinks within document or external links.
Spelling checker feature
Autocorrect word feature
Compare and merge feature
Setting the password to document or restrict editing in the document

Launch Application

Press Windows key from the keyboard.
Type Word in the search box.
Look for the Microsoft Word and Click.
By default blank document would open with name-Document

Title Bar

Mainly contains document name and application name at the top of the application. Few more tools are like:
Application logo
Shortcut icon to Save the file
Quick Access Toolbar: We can customize this toolbar with user-defined shortcuts.
Click on the drop-down icon to open the list.
Click to Select any of the options from the list.
Selected Tool will appear in the toolbar.
Name of the document and application.
Control buttons: To Minimize, Restore and Close the application.

Menu & Tool Bar

This section contains all the Major features and shortcut icons to perform all the task while working on a document. In this chapter, we will read only about the important features which have been used in general.


This section contains all the file level activities like creating a new file, save a file, set password, print, Share file, exit from the application.

Feature           Summary
Save    Save new File, shortcut=Ctrl+S
Save As           Save the existing file with a new name
Open   Open an existing word document, shortcut= Ctrl+O
Close  Close an opened word document
Info     Security features, like Protect Document, Document Properties, Version of the document, etc.
Recent            To view the recent document on which use has worked.
New    To create a new document using a blank file or an existing template. Shortcut=Ctrl+N
Print   To print the document, Shortcut=Ctrl+P
Save & Send   To sharing the document over the web, change document type, convert to PDF, share with email as an attachment, etc.
Help    To get online help and support from the Microsoft team.
Options          To change the display and default settings of the application like the color of the application, enable or diable of spelling check and autocorrect, grammatical check features, setting default file format.
Exit     To close and exit the application.

Contains all types of content formatting options in this section. To apply the formatting we have to first select the particular text/content on the page.

Feature           Shortcut         Summary
Copy   Ctrl+C To copy any selected text from one place and paste multiple times.
Cut      Ctrl+X To remove selected text from one place and paste multiple times.
Paste   Ctrl+V To paste text after copy or cut.
Format Painter                    To copy the formatting of the selected content.
And apply the same on other text.
Font              Apply font family on the selected text.
Font Size                  To change the size of the text.
Bold    Ctrl+B To make selected text bold.
Italic   Ctrl+I  To make the selected text italic.
Underlined    Ctrl+U To underline the selected text.
Strikethrough                      To strikethrough the selected text.
Subscript       Ctrl+= To insert text below other text, like H2
Superscript    Ctrl+Shift++  To insert text above other text, like X2
Font Color                To change the color of the selected text.
Text highlight Color           To change the background color of the selected text.
List Items                 Convert selected text into an ordered and unordered list.
Multi-level list                    Creates a list under the existing list.
Heading and Subheading               Create headings and subheadings on the document.
Find    Ctrl+F To find any text on the document.
Replace          Ctrl+H To find any text and replace the same with new text.


To insert any new content or embedded the existing content into the current document.

Feature        Summary
Page break  To divide a page into two pages.
Picture         Add an image into the document.
Shapes         Add shapes like Circle, rectangle, Arrows, etc.
Chart Add a graphical chart to the document.
Hyperlink    Insert a hyperlink into the document. These links could be within document or external web page.
Header/Footer/Page Number   Insert header, footer and page number on every page of the document.
Date & Time          Insert the current date and time in various formatting.
Equation      Insert mathematical equations into the document.
Symbol        Insert special characters into the document.

Page Layout

Options under this menu are used to modify the spacing and layout of the current document.
Features         Summary
Orientation    To change the page in Landscape and Portrait mode.
Size     To change the page size like A3, A4, A5, etc.
Columns         Split the content into multiple columns.
Watermark     Insert watermark on every page.
Page Color      Change the color of the page


When we started working on a large document we have to take care that navigation should be easy for the readers.
Features         Summary
Table of Contents     To generate a Table of contents for the document. Like in the books there is a list of all chapters. It takes all the headings in a hierarchy.
Insert Table of Figures        To generate a list of Figures, Table or Equations in the same way Table of Content.
Insert Index   Generates a list of keywords on the document.


To view the document in multiple views.

Features      Summary
Print Layout          How document will appear while printing?
Full-Screen Reading        Read the document in Full-screen mode.
Ruler Show/Hide ruler on the document.
Gridlines     Show/Hide Grids on the document.
Navigation Pane    Show/Hide Navigation Pane on the document.
Zoom To increase/decrease the zoom level of the document.
One Page, Two Page, Page Width        Zoom the page as per the selected option, to fit in the window.
New Window          Opens the same document in a new window.
Arrange All  To view all the documents simultaneously on the screen.
Split   Divide the document into two parts to view the two different sections at one go.
Macros        To record some repetitive steps to reuse the same later in the document.

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